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I am a great lover of Westerns.  And when a good ole fashion western comes along on television.  I have to sit up and watch.  A few years ago I was watching TV and flipping thru the channels when I saw a show playing.

I came right in the middle of it.  And being a western I had to give it a try.  I always look for authenticity.  And well, five minutes into this particular show it couldn't get more realistic than that.

All of the muddy roads, whores sitting on the front porch out in the open and most of all how the town looked dirty and down right grungy.  The people too weren't all that clean either, except the ones you would figure would be.

When you watched the show you got drawn in.  Into the town and then the people.  You wanted to know what was around the corner.  What the people were like.  Even if you had seen the show once or a thousand times,  there was always something different about a scene or a person or even the place.

This show that I'm talking about is Lonesome Dove: The Series and Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years.

This is probably the best western I have watched.  I love Bonanza and Rawhide and all of the oldies but goodies and I'm still a "young duffer".

Maybe along the line you were looking westerns up or even Lonesome Dove on the web and found The Austin Peale Page.

So if your a fan or not, your probably asking yourself "Who is Austin Peale?" or "Why did she pick him?"

Well.  I guess its because I see more in Austin Peale than most people took the time to look.  So if you are still interested.  Take a walk with me into this man's life and maybe you or maybe you won't understand why I chose Austin Peale, Sheriff of Curtis Wells, Montana.

The photos on photo2 are big and will take a few minutes for the page to come up so please be patient.  I will be fixing that problem shortly.
